Monday, January 28, 2008

Out with the OLD, In with the New

We had so much fun as a family this Christmas. We decided to stay in AZ for the holidays and enjoy what we had.Christmas Eve we went to our cousin Kim and Jason's house and had a great steak dinner, played fun games, and sang fun karaoke Christmas songs.Christmas morning was fun to enjoy the kids at our house, and see their faces when they saw what Santa brought. We relaxed and ate and just enjoyed each other. Our big gift was when Mike decided to bring home a dog a few weeks before, and said " Merry Christmas." Bailie asked for a dog, but I thought a FAKE one would be great. We have grown to love her and "Dazy" has been a lot of fun. We missed going to the family's, but this was nice to stay here for a change.
New Years was a blast! We had a lot of the Heywood cousin's over, even Wesley Johnson (he was in town for swimming). We enjoyed the party as much as everyone else, banging the pots and pans, having s'mores, and playing Guitar Hero.What a fun night.
As Jan. comes in, our life starts back it normal. Working hard, kids going to school, exercising, ect... We know that we need to stick together and enjoy what we have.


cmjkmj said...

GOOD GIRL making a post! I am so proud of you and I love it and I will call you asap to help you post some more pics....Heidi is the real pro though! Have you checked her blog lately? I don't know how she does it! ;0)

Kristi said...

Hey Cuz! I am glad that I found your's fun to see what you are up to and read up on your life is AZ. Looks like your holidays were fun! Keep in touch.


Real Life Roberts said...

I'm still in shock that you have a dog! Im glad that you love her! Maybe we need to get one...NOT!! Give Brayden and Bailie a squeeze from us!

Trisha B said...

Hey Utleys! Haven't talked with you in a while. We should get together again. We ended up moving to Avondale. We really like it and we're really close to the school. Good to see you blogging. I can't believe you got a dog. we would love to see it.